Friday, December 11, 2009

CS223 -info


I heard dat student cs at malacca having problem on deciding wut
course shud they take on continuing their studies later, here are some guides
for those who r interested on course Intelligent System Engineering (CS223)
(ala..kos robot2 tu ni la dia)

Well much say klu korg tanye pakcik GOOGLE ade byk le info yg korg akan dpt huhu.
Ni sikit sbyk lew infonye

Klu kat negara lain org knl kos ni ngn name Artificial Intellient (Ai) even klu korg
carik kat tenet pon mmg ini la yg kuar.
Ai ni klu xsilap ak, ade kat UiTM ngn UM je (if xsilap la)

Klu ko terer programming ko ni da kire tiptop la, but dun wury for those yg xbrape pndai programming, kat sane leh blaja lg, lecturer Ai kat s.alam bagus2, sgt besss, klas ko xkn boring punyer, ppr dia plak xdek nk bace2 n hafal cam networking tu, just gune logical thinking ko je(ko blaja nnt) pastu
apply je, ppr sumer mmg related to each other. Eg : klu Ai blaja binary tree, ppr math pon blaja binary tree gak

Klu psl future job plak ko xyah risau eventho Malaysia tercinta kita ni blom ade lagi wat
robot cam asimo tu tp da byk gak company yg apply Ai. Eg : kat kilang kete , machine yg
cabut psg bodypart kete tu, lengan2 robot yg brgerak tu la Ai nye system. Mostly kilang2 byk nk pki
engineer Ai la byk lagi kuar.
klu simple Ai system yg korg da familiar plak cam fingertap machine (yg lec kite pagi2 letak jari tu).
sumer biological device tu Ai system la namanye. KP ak ckp latest system yg ngah usha2 nk invent
is system yg leh detect kesan patukan ular. klu scan je kat luka da tau ular ape yg sengat, hebat seh~

dan lagik..

klu nk refer lecturer mlake korg leh refer kat Mama Maziah n Mama Huda (cecece mama~)
coz dorg tu dulu amik kos ni gak.

P/S 1:Ak tgk citer Wall-E la ak semangt nk amik kos ni huhu, 1 day korg pon bole wat robot cam asimo tu aper~

P/S 2: Nonono~ sape ckp blaja kat s.alam best..klu Ai ni ade kat mlake mmg ak da pindah sane huhu STRESS~


Anonymous said...

Thnx for this posting..hopefully this can help the AreCS students to make a wise decision.